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Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Screening


This is a test only offered to men in the year they turn 65.

It only needs to be done once if it is normal.


The aorta is a big blood vessel in your tummy.

As you get older the aorta can become weak and swell.

When this happens it is called an abdominal aortic aneurysm or AAA

If you have a large aneurysm it can burst and the person usually dies.

It is more likely to happen if you are a man so women do not need the test.

Screening uses a simple picture test called an ultrasound scan. This looks at your belly for any swelling in your aorta. 

If a swelling is found you can be treated early.

This could save your life!

To find out more about having AAA screening please click       on the picture below to view an easy-read leaflet:


These are some videos about AAA screening:

Here are some photos of your local screening hub at the Clifton Cornerstone building in Clifton. Click on the arrows to scroll through the pictures below or click       on each picture to enlarge it: 


Do you want to talk more about having AAA screening? You can speak to your GP.

You can also speak to the learning disability nurses on 0115 8760138.

To help you have your AAA screening you can ask for:

  • a visit before the test to meet the sonographer who does the picture test and see the equipment


  • a longer appointment

  • an appointment at a quiet time of day

  • someone you trust to be there with you

  • the test to be done at home or at your GP practice if there is a height-adjustable bed

  • you can also call the screening hub on        0115 9249924 - extension 62394 or 82378 if you need help to attend or have questions

If you miss your appointment you can call the screening hub on 0115 9249924 - extension 62394 or 82378 at any time in the future to have the test.

If you do not want AAA screening please speak to your GP about it or you can tell the screening hub on the number above.

You can change your mind at any time.


Please tell your GP if you have:


  • tummy pain


  • lower back pain that does not go away


  • or a pulsing sensation in your tummy

as this could mean a problem with your aorta. 



Men can also get a problem with their testicles.

You should check yourself each month for any changes.


Tell your GP if you notice something unusual when you check yourself.

Here is a video showing how to check your testicles:

Image credits:

Cardiovascular System | College of Biological Sciences (

<a href="" title="artery icons">Artery icons created by Vitaly Gorbachev - Flaticon</a>

BruceBlaus, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

<a href="" title="illness icons">Illness icons created by Tru3 Art - Flaticon</a>

<a href="" title="man icons">Man icons created by DinosoftLabs - Flaticon</a>

<a href="" title="ultrasound icons">Ultrasound icons created by ultimatearm - Flaticon</a>

<a href="" title="treatment icons">Treatment icons created by Khoirul Huda - Flaticon</a>

<a href="" title="like icons">Like icons created by Pixel perfect - Flaticon</a>

<a href="" title="leaflet icons">Leaflet icons created by Freepik - Flaticon</a>

Photos of clinic at Clifton Medical Practice  taken by Dr Katherine Ward

<a href="" title="consulting icons">Consulting icons created by Good Ware - Flaticon</a>

<a href="" title="phone icons">Phone icons created by Gregor Cresnar - Flaticon</a

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<a href="" title="radiologist icons">Radiologist icons created by Freepik - Flaticon</a>

<a href="" title="ultrasound icons">Ultrasound icons created by Freepik - Flaticon</a>

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<a href="" title="appointment icons">Appointment icons created by Freepik - Flaticon</a>

<a href="" title="finger icons">Finger icons created by Gregor Cresnar - Flaticon</a>

<a href="" title="muscle pain icons">Muscle pain icons created by Nadiinko - Flaticon</a>

<a href="" title="pain icons">Pain icons created by Sir.Vector - Flaticon</a>

Stomach icons created by Smashicons - Flaticon

<a href="" title="testicle icons">Testicle icons created by Backwoods - Flaticon</a>

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